Energy efficiency:
Phi is committed to manufacturing energy efficient products which reduce CO2 and emissions. We seek to harness modern technologies to enhance: efficiency and sustainability through longer product life, reduced energy consumption and improved lifecycle costs that this facilitates.
We seek to protect the environment by recycling office waste, operating electronically where possible and through the use of recycled packaging materials for our products.
One commitment, is the use of recycled desk/chair and other plastic in the manufacture of our Renu product.
The incorporation of lighter, more efficient gear and lamp technologies, notably LED, reduce both carbon and energy consumption.
Phi Lighting won 2no national awards from the Lighting Design industry in 2013 for their project at Gatwick Central Search including one for Low Carbon Building of the Year 2013.
Our policy not to incorporate low technology lamps and gear means that all our products are eligible for ECA’s (Enhanced Capital Allowances).
All products from Phi Lighting are supplied under the WEEE directive to which we were an early member. This compliance scheme has been approved by the Environment Agency for the recycling of materials at their end of life.
We do not use any substances that are ROSH hazardous listed.
Development & Design:
The intelligent development of flexible solutions means that it is possible to meet the disparate needs of designs by using products better suited to the task and thereby offering better solutions which are more efficient and less consuming.